Today I began my 9 day fast.

1 Corinthians 9:27 was given in church this morning confirming my decision!

I feel amazing and its been ALL DAY without food.

If that's not God I don't know what is.
I'm still nice-ish (working on subduing that flesh side)

I've been considering (felt called to) a fast for a long time but kept putting it off until I got a number of days to fast. I didn't want to start and have no end in sight.
So praying last night I was thinking about something completely different and, out of nowhere,  heard that I should be fasting for 9 days.
This morning I decided on having solely liquids and thus began my fast.
I'm a baby at fasting (haven't actually done a real fast ever) so 9 days was a huge commitment for me.

But, what I do know, is that I love food AND I need to put my faith in something that I KNOW I cannot control. My hunger and moods (because of hunger) is something that I cannot control.
Giving this over is something that I am really excited about. I can already see God taking control of who I am through this and still have 8 more days!!

I've picked out an hour or so a day minimum that I will spend just talking with God and hoping to get a deeper level with him. I feel that now I've recognised that I am forgiven and redeemed that I need to figure out where else I am supposed to be going.
I feel free but that can't be it.

I need to know what Is next.

What I have started in my search is learning who God is by his names.
I have already come up with something intense and mind blowing.
Well, mind blowing, to me.

When Elohim is used in the creation story the name is actually a plural and singular at the same time. It exists only within the Hebrew language for one God but is actually a plural word.
Furthering the argument for the trinity, one of the first names that we are introduced to is Elohim which describes one who is more than one but one.
The scholars seem to disagree on the direct translation other than it describes a creator and is indescribable.

Does that sound like your God? Because that's mine!
11/14/2011 02:07:56 am

Love this! Really excited for this growth with God and to read about all you are learning. xo


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